Package Room Features you Want Most


Considering ButterflyMX or a similar package room security system for handling resident packages? We often partner with Butterfly as their controlled access solutions are top-notch! Butterfly knows access control and Luxer One knows package management. Meaning, Luxer is an important partner for every package management project.

Check out the value Luxer One provides in addition to Butterfly. We hope this is helpful!

(Note: This also applies to Package Lockers - with some slightly different functionality.)

Standard Package Solution Features

Electronic Security - Controlled access to a designated package room for 24/7 package delivery and pick up.

Carriers and/or property teams gain access by scanning resident packages and placing them in the organized room. (Hint: Many rooms now add refrigerators for meals, flowers, and prescriptions.)

Resident Notification - Automated alerts via text & email that a package has been delivered.

Resident notifications can provide a range of details for the resident regarding their package deliveries. (Notification details will vary based on the solution.) Ideally, a one-time access code is provided. This ensures the resident can only access the secured package room (or locker) when they have a package to retrieve.


Luxer One Only Features

These are features that you will likely miss if you simply expand your building security to control access to a room where packages are held.

Activity Monitoring - Package room or parcel locker monitoring via video camera feed by the vendor.

Video monitoring optimizes resident support, helping residents locate packages that may have been misplaced or moved. It also captures package mishandling, vandalism and theft. It should always include video research and archiving to save the property team time and to assist with police reports as needed.

Package Service & Support - Resident assistance is one of the most time consuming parts of package management.

  • Resident support - 24/7 multi-channel (chat, text, phone, email) provides an ideal experience. The goal is to reduce property team involvement for missing access codes, account access, and locating packages. The Activity Monitoring noted above increases the ability for the vendor to help residents locating misplaced or missing packages.
  • Property support - multi-channel (chat, text, phone, email) assistance coupled with local service teams ensure help is readily available for any issues that require on-site services.
  • Carrier support - includes the ability to assist carrier delivery companies and property teams with ensuring packages are properly scanned and secured. By notifying the vendor of packages that are not scanned into the system, the vendor will coordinate with upper management at the delivery company to improve system usage and efficiency

Package Visibility - Having the ability to see who has packages, how many and how long they’ve been stored provides visibility to the operation of any property.

Package logging software, ensures property teams have a pulse on their solution and resident package movement. Generally, the details provided include: delivery and pick up times, images of address labels, and the ability to hold and return packages that are undeliverable which gives more control to the property team. This also enables property teams to assist residents if necessary, and audit package deliveries to reduce clutter.

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